Terms and conditions of use

Updated on November 19, 2021

Article 1

The customer has the right to cancel his order as long as it has not yet been paid. When the order is already paid, the customer will have to wait for the reception of his package to make a return. We invite you to contact us to receive your return label.

Article 2

If you forgot something in your order contact us before it ships.

Article 3

All registered customers accept by their registration the terms and conditions, the GTC, the confidentiality policy and the return policy.

Article 4

If the customer pays in cash and the tickets are wrong, the customer will have their account blocked on our website, our Facebook page and our Facebook group. A complaint may be filed.

Article 5

If the customer collects their order and does not pay, the customer will have their account blocked on our website, our Facebook page, and our Facebook group. He will not be able to place an order in the future. A complaint may be filed.

Article 6

Only paid orders will be shipped.

Article 7

Return of items is possible within 14 days of receipt of your order. Items cannot be already used. In case of problem, contact the after-sales service.

Article 8

No refunds on items already used. Contact the after-sales service if you have a problem with an item.

Article 9

Return costs are your responsibility, except in certain conditions. To return an item, see the return policy on our page.

Article 10

The resale of our products is completely prohibited if you do not have permission to do so. If we notice a resale of our products, your account will be blocked on our website, our Facebook page and our Facebook group.

Article 11

The resale of our products is possible under certain conditions. You must make the request by email (lesfantaisiesdefa@outlook.com). Everything will be explained to you during your request.

Article 12

The customer can not in any case request that his order be delivered on a specific date. He will have to wait for the "ready to deliver" status to request a date of his choice.

Article 13

Customizable products are neither exchangeable nor refundable.

Article 14

Products on sale or in destocking are not taken back, not exchanged and not refunded.

Article 15

We are not here to provide competition. Please do not ask us for our suppliers and our recipes, this would be against all commercial logic. Obviously messages containing such questions will be ignored.

Article 16

If you have a problem with us, please contact the manager of the company directly at his email address (alexandre.breijsens@lesfantaisiesdefa.com).

Article 17

If you contact us by private message on Facebook without going through our page. The persons concerned reserve the right to give no response to your message.

Article 18

If you have any comments for us, we ask you to contact only the manager of the company at his email address (alexandre.breijsens@lesfantaisiesdefa.com).

Article 19

In our team, we have volunteers. These are people who kindly give us their time. It is therefore forbidden, in the event of a problem, to contact them. Any complaint sent to the volunteer cannot be taken into account.

Article 20

If you need to open a dispute, please do so via the contact form on our website. (www.lesfantaisiesdefa.com/contact)